Friday, December 19, 2014

Are YOU ready to experience your Abundance Breakthrough?

What if You Could Live a Life That was More in Tune with Your "Authentic" Self??

The You Who You were Created to Be...?

You Can!

How many times have you heard phrases like this? :

·       Only in a perfect world

·       If only it was easy

·       You’re not always going to get what you want

·       That’s just the way it is

·       If it was that simple everybody would be doing it

·       Life dealt me this hand now I must play it

·       Gotta pay the bills

I’m sure you’ve heard others but you get the idea don’t you?

How many times have you found yourself?:

·       Doing what others wanted you to do

·       Doing things that make others happy

·       Doing what you think is right because of someone else

·       Living your life basically for everyone else but yourself

We all at some point in our life have experienced this yet many are practicing this every day.

Right now I’m going to tell you the single biggest problem people face, including myself at one time, and what can be done about it.

 People don’t know what they want, they either just know what they don’t want, or they have a vague wishy washy idea of what they do want or they constantly are wanting what someone else has.

The solution is simple, figure out what you want because if you figure out what you want, then you’re more likely to do something new in order to get it!

So simple yet 97% of people live their whole life not being able to experience or have what they truly want in life.

So what’s really stopping you?

No matter what your religious, spiritual, metaphysical or New Age beliefs are, even if you have none at all, you, me and everyone else are operating under an umbrella of lies!

What lies might those be? ……… (Read on)

I want you to think about something for a minute.

When was the last time YOU did something Yourself that truly made you happy?

(Take however long you need to reflect regardless of how long ago or present.)

 Now take that feeling and connect with it, own it, hold it, breathe it and live in the moment. Now think about your current situation. Do you have that same feeling?

When was the last time you wanted to do something you wanted to do but didn’t because you started thinking:

·       I don’t have enough time

·       It will be to hard

·       I don’t know how to

·       I can’t

·       Maybe later or one day

Believe it or not, these vague lies which hold no value are just the tip of the iceberg of the lies we live everyday without even realizing it.

All of that is about to change right now though!

Have you ever thought to yourself, “There has to be more to life than this?”

Well I’m here to tell you THERE IS!!

If you’re like me or most of our members, you’ve probably attended multiple personal growth seminars, listened to cd after cd and read lots of books about manifesting “change” and creating success in your life.  Maybe you’ve even studied specific techniques to help you release “blocks” and get yourself “unstuck” but you still haven’t seen the results you’ve been hoping for. (Even though you’ve been doing everything “right”.)

The single most important reason you haven’t had the success you’ve been working so hard for is this:

That One Size Fits All Approach to Life


Now what does this mean?

It means fundamentally the core of the lies we’ve been taught are the same but the solution to these lies are not all the same because you experience these lies differently than everyone else.

I’ve talked to many people including family and friends who are struggling mentally, physically, financially, spiritually and even emotionally and don’t even realize they are struggling because of the power of these lies.

Think about this.

Your body is made of trillions of cells, each one with a unique and special job as part of maintaining and protecting your health. A nerve cell functions differently from a brain cell or a skin cell.

And if a brain cell “tries” to act like a skin cell….well…you can imagine what kind of problem that creates for the body and for the brain cell.

The same is true for all of us.  We are all unique and designed to function in the way that is best for us, yet we are all conditioned by our upbringing, education and society to try to act and create in one specific way.

For example, How many times have you tried to “Just Do It” and “Manifest Your Destiny” (just like the so-called experts have told you…) only to have your dearest efforts result in frustration, disappointment and even bitterness?

Maybe you’ve even felt like a failure, or that you lack “will power” and that you are weak and somehow broken.

The real reason why people get “stuck” or feel blocked in their life isn’t because they’re broken, screwing up or lacking in willpower and character.

It’s simply because they don’t really know who they are or what they want.

In order to create what you want in your life, you have to:

·       Know who you really are

·       Know what you really want

·       Understand how to know what is right for you

·        Make decisions that are correct and best for you

What Is Your Life Purpose and Destiny?

·       It is something that expresses who you are and what you are. (Doing through Being)

·        It is something you enjoy. (Something you have passion for, something that captures your soul)

·        It is your vision. (Something you believe you can create in this world, something you imagine to be possible)

·       It is something you can accept as your lifestyle. (Integrates with everything you do and the way you live your lives.)

·        It is something you believe in. (Something you can devote your life to)

This is where the seven aspects of the Self which are our being, enjoyment, imagination, living, will, desire, purpose are all in alignment and you begin to create and live the life you want.

We all have our special unique purpose as to why we are here. Sometimes your life may seem to be in utter chaos and at times it may seem to be going alright. Just imagine for a moment is you were in alignment with your purpose and living your destined life.

Most of us will never live a purposeful abundant life because they haven’t learned about the 3 lies keeping them from doing so. It is the lack of knowledge, understanding and mastering these 3 lies that keeps them and you from integrating all seven aspects of Self to truly living an abundant life.

There are many programs out there, which I’m quite sure you have either heard about and or maybe participated in. Let’s see, they have dvd’s,  books, audio’s, cd’s, seminars, programs and other sources of information that promote The Law of Attraction, The Law of Manifestation and a host other materials that talk about some of the other universal laws and how to use them to live the life you want. As great as all these may sound, How much of this stuff have you bought and/or participated in and still find yourself not making any lasting improvements or keep coming up short on promised results?

 There no “Secret” to living the life you want and really the only thing that it really comes down to is having the right information. That right information is the knowledge, understanding and mastering the 3 lies that keep you from integrating all the seven aspects of Self.

Just about every piece of information out there is valid but not true. What I mean by this is, all those so-called Gurus out there who promote the information that they can help you live the life you want, get any and everything you want in life and all other sorts of claims fail to do the one simple thing, Teach.

My favorite one is Ask, Believe and Receive. You may have heard this statement also but really ask yourself, “What the heck does this mean?” If it were truly as simple as the “Gurus” claim then why isn’t everyone doing it? Why is everyone worrying, struggling, stuck and basically disappointed and miserable about the life they are living right now.

If you’re saying to yourself right now, I’m happy and my life is going great” then Congratulations!! But are you really? Until you know, understand and master the 3 lies, you are still living a life full of lack because you haven’t learned about the 3 lies and integrated them to unlock the seven aspects of self, which until you do, which keep you on the path of illusion. You may ‘Think” you’re living the life you want but you like many others are still living a lie.

If you see and keep hearing statements like, Make the Universe give you what you want, Harness the power of the Universe to get what you want, Ask, Believe and Receive to get the life you want and etc.. These principles as great as they may sound are just lies and misinformation to keep you caught in the “loop”.

What is the Loop?

The loop is the circle of misinformation and lies they keep telling you to keep you coming back over and over again because something isn’t adding up. They know how very much you want to live an abundant life but they give you tidbits of lies and say go do this and that. When you do and nothing happens, guess what, you go back because the next lie and tidbit of misinformation sounds good and try that. Now you keep going back, keep trying, keep going back and keep trying. Yep, you’re caught in the loop of endless answers with no solutions or lasting results.

There is only one for sure way out of this loop! If you’ve ever had a moment where you are worrying, stressed, feeling stuck, unhappy, disappointed and confused about where you’re at in your life or ever felt like Why is this happening, Why is this not happening, Why can’t I…. or other questions about why you’re not living the you want, You are stuck in the loop!

You can escape this loop and the illusions for good and be on your way to an abundant purpose driven life once you know, understand and master the 3 lies preventing you from doing so!

Keep in mind that finding, creating and living your life’s purpose will bring you more abundance than any single action you can take. Your life’s purpose and destiny will involve doing what you love to do and in some way will make a contribution to the greater good of all. Money will be a by-product of doing what you love and will flow effortlessly into your life, without even much thought. The only way to get there is to remove and release what is holding you back and that is to know, understand and master the 3 lies that is keeping you trapped.

Right now I want you to take a moment to think about what you REALLY WANT for your life and how you want your life to be. (Try not to think about what you DON’T want because that’s nothing more than those lies coming to the surface to convince you that you can’t have the life you want!)

Now the million dollar question is, How do you silence these lies to create and live the life you want? I will share that in a little bit but first let me tell you MY story....

My name is Christian DePope (Abundance Warrior). My life was completely changed and totally transformed the day I listened to a cd. Here’s my story……

A while ago I had a great life, or at least thought I did. I had a great paying job and really didn’t have to want for anything. Although that sounded good at the time I didn’t realize that I was struggling with other issues in my life. Everything on the outside seemed great but on the inside I just kept having this feeling that there was more to life than this and was constantly thinking about what is my purpose in life really? The job paid well but it kept me from doing things I loved to do which was spending quality time with my family and doing the things I loved to do like cooking.

Around 2006 I ended up losing my job because the place closed. I thought for I’d take some time to spend with my family and start looking for another job later. Well 2008 rolled around and I didn’t realize how bad the economy was especially on the job front. So like any average person I was putting applications in everywhere like crazy and started playing the waiting game. Now in my job search I began to network. By that I mean when I see someone out I would ask them where they work and if they’re hiring and how do I apply. Little did I know that on one particular day that meeting this guy, who later turned into my mentor, Bill Favors would be the turning point that changed my life forever.

 I was at a gas station one day when I met this lady named Stacey. I was pumping gas on the same pump island she was and just struck up general conversation about the economy and the job market and the direction things were going. I’m not too political so this pretty much to me was a venting conversation. I plain as day remember the last question she asked me which was, “What do you want your life to be like right now?” At the moment the only thing I could think about was how I didn’t want my life to be so I guess you can say I answered her question indirectly. She reached in her car and handed me this cd. I told her I wasn’t in the mood for music and she just smirked. She said just listen to it a few times and follow the advice at the end. Who would’ve thought that having that conversation and receiving that cd would have put me on the path to an amazing life changing experience.

I went home and listened to the cd. At first I was what the crap, how is this going to change my life? I paused the cd for a moment when my wife came in to discuss the bills and the food budget with me. I got distracted for a few days and just kept thinking that something had to change. I remember the cd being left in the room and went back to listen to it again. This time the cd. Still skeptical I took Stacey’s advice and listened to it a few more times. Each time I listened to it seemed to be something more I gained from. The last thing I noticed was how genuine this guy sounded and thought to myself, “If this Bill guy has really helped this many people and families then maybe he can help me. So after about a month of listening to this cd and procrastinating I contacted Bill.

A few days went past and I ended up receiving a call from Bill.  After we introduced ourselves and I explained how I got his contact information he asked me about what my life was like now and what I wanted my life to be like. I went on to explain how I was stressing over trying to find another job so I can support and maintain my family. How the bills just keep coming in and basically how the life I had now was not the life I wanted to live. He said he completely understood and invited me to come to an event he was hosting at his house. I paused for a moment and thought to myself like, “I don’t even know this dude and he’s inviting me to his house?” I think he sensed the hesitation in my voice and said, “If you’re happy living the life you just stated you were unhappy with that it fine, I understand your skepticism, but if you want to truly live the life you also stated you wanted then I can help you”.

 After having my brief moments of going back in forth with my brain about my life and opportunity I asked him for his address. He gave me his information and said when I get there just tell them that I was his guest and I won’t have any issues. I accepted and got more info and that’s when it all began.

As I was preparing to go to his event this evening the only thing on my mind was the bills. I got dressed, kissed my wife and girls and told them I’d be back in a little while. My wife being sarcastic and yet serious said, “You better come back with a job!” Although we were joking I knew she was serious. I just said ok, love you and see you later.

I arrived at Bills home and I can’t even put into words how huge and beautiful his home was. The only thing I was thinking was, “What the heck does this guy do?” and I would love for me and my family to have a home like this.

I pulled up to the door and got greeted by valet. I explained to the host that Bill invited me and I was his guest and they ushered me right in. On the inside was something to be taken out of a movie. I literally thought I was at a networking event for millionaires and billionaires. I was kinda nervous until Bill showed up. He greeted me, asked how I was and started introducing to others. I really didn’t know if I was dreaming or if this was real because first off, I’ve never been around people this wealthy before and secondly, they treated me as if I was family. I got a chance to talk to Bill later and he explained to me that this was a members only private party and he invited me, based on our conversation, to get some clarity on what I really wanted my life to be like. And by this being a members only private party there was a members only meeting going to take place shortly and that I would have to leave. He assured me though that he would contact me later so we can continue our conversation about the life I wanted.

I left and hurried home to tell my family about what I had just experienced. Throughout all the excitement the only thing my wife asked me was did I receive a job offer.

 Deep down inside I didn’t want to work and slave for someone else but I also knew that bills had to be paid. That question totally killed the electricity and excitement I was feeling.

A couple days later I received a call from Bill asking me to meet again. I agreed and so it begins. We met at a gas station down the street from my house, (I was still playing it safe) and he asked me to ride with him somewhere. As we were riding it was quiet and I just soaked up the scenery. We arrived at some restaurant I didn’t even know existed where we had reservations. I later learned that this was a private restaurant that was for members of his private club.

As we sat down and placed our orders I was a little hesitant because I kept thinking in the back of my head, “What the heck is going on and what does this guy do?” He started off the conversation by asking me what I thought about the party and I told him it was great beyond explanation! He then asked me if I had thought about my life and what I wanted. Without a second thought I said, Ï want to be a member of your club, group organization or whatever you got going on. He asked me if I was sure and again without a second thought I said, “Heck yeah!”

He broke everything down to me and explained that most people aren’t serious about making the change to live the life they want and are comfortable with just surviving and getting by. He asked me was I comfortable? I said no. He said if he was willing to teach me how to get the life I want to have would I be follow to follow his exact instructions and trust him no matter what. I paused for a moment because in my head I’m like dude I don’t even know you.

Seeing my hesitation he asked me to close my eyes and picture the happiest moment in my life. He said when you get to that moment hold that feeling and live in it. It felt great! He said now picture your life right now and immediately the feeling went away. He said ok now picture your life right at this very moment how you want it and immediately the feeling came back. He said, “Are you ready to experience that life?” Again without a second thought I said, “Heck yeah!”

He offered me an invitation to join his club and get access to the clubs information to start this journey. He said it may not be an easy one because I need to break free from the lies keeping trapped from creating, experiencing and living the life I want but if I follow his instruction and the information in the library it will be a slightly hectic process.

I agreed and he went on further to explain that the information was given in levels meaning once I complete one level (it must be a minimum of 45 days because it takes the brain a while to process new information) I can move on to the next only and only if I completely understood and mastered the prior level. Otherwise I would get lost and be confused because each level builds on each other.

I agreed.

He went on to explain that upon joining I must sign a confidentiality disclosure agreement meaning that I would not share this information with anyone else. If I do I will be immediately removed from the club and will be barred from having access or relationships with current or future members. I asked him just out of curiosity how would he know, he said that the information inside his club is not available to the public and due to the nature of the information he will know.

I agreed.

He further went on to explain that I may leave the club at anytime but I would still be bound by the confidentiality disclosure agreement. After all of the explaining of the rules of the club he asked me was I ready to live the life I wanted. Without a second thought I said, “Yes!”

I started out on level one which is like an intro.  All I can say from the beginning it was some deep stuff. Due to my confidentiality disclosure agreement I can’t go into  detail about what is about but I will tell you that going from each level to the next was like having a feeling of being renewed and born again. It was like having layer upon cloudy layer being pulled away from my eyes! The library holds the key to the vital information to break free from the lies keeping one truly creating, experiencing and living the life they want.

As for myself and the other members of my group, (I was allowed to create my own group because I wanted to share the information) we are living lives most people talk about and dream about. Everyone’s experience will be different when they break free from the lies but the end result is usually the same for all, We are living the life of our dreams! The life we want!

I’ll be honest with you, most people say they want that other life but would rather be on the other side of the fence looking because they think they are comfortable.

Think about this

You’re walking in the desert under the hot scorching around in circles, following some instructions given to you that you thought were correct, trying to find water and shade and out of nowhere someone walks up and sees your pain and struggles and offers you cool water, rest and shade.

Think about it. Access to all the cold water you can drink. All the rest you could possibly need and all the shade you can use. And as a bonus they give you the right instructions to get you where you want to go with all the resources and support you need!

Now would you rather burn up in the desert trying to get to your destination with information that some thinks works for everybody or would you rather be comfortable and guidance from someone giving you the right instructions to get you to where you want to go?

The choice is yours.

You can be stuck your life with a What-If


You can be living the life you want saying I Did!!

My mentor Bill is ready and willing to help you make a powerful transformation in your life if you are ready. I really strongly suggest you listen to the cd that transformed my life. I was skeptical at first but after listening to it several times I began to be enlightened and that’s when I contacted Bill and my transformation started. After listening to that cd and meeting Bill, I achieved many life changing results in my life, a couple being:

·       I am now debt-free. I have a sustainable lifestyle without slaving away at a 9-5 at all.

·       My overall health and well-being improved tremendously.

·       I have the best relationships with my wife and kids because we now get to spend more time together.

·       Overall, I am the happiest I have ever been because now I am living a life that I love and fulfilling my purpose. Your situation may be similar or even different from mines but I can tell you that whatever it is, Bill can help you change you change your life and help you make the best out of it.

If you would like to have access to the 3 Lies and break free from the lies holding you back and keeping you in the dark and start living the life you want then I strongly suggest listening to Bill and taking action afterwards!

Experience Your Breakthrough

Contact me at if you have any questions

Only contact me if you are serious and willing to commit to learn how to live the life you want! If you are in doubt and/or afraid to take control of your own life to get what you want then my group is not for you!

Copyright 2014 Master Elite Wealth Club All rights reserved


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